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The Sweetness of the "Lamb"

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:08 am
by anthony
Lamb of God...Son of the Father
Lamb of God...Son of the Father
Lamb of God...Son of the Father
Lamb of God...Great, Merciful One

This is the day of our salvation
Death conquered by your Mercy
The day sinfulness is put to rest
Overshadowed by your glory
The heavens quake beneath your feet
Darkness flees the brilliance of light
The chains of bondage are shattered
In the presence of your might

Lamb of God...Lamb of God!
Lamb of God...Lamb of God!
Lamb of God...Lamb of God!

Lamb of God...Lamb of God!
Lamb of God...Lamb of God!
Lamb of God...Lamb of God!

Behold! The Great “I Am”
Behold! The Great “I Am”
Behold! The Great “I Am”

Behold! The Sweetness of the “Lamb”