Let us know when you prayed and give us your reflections.

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I'm often promted to pray for things and people by my own concience.

I wanted to share a story that I thought was very poignent to myself on the power of even random seemingly pointless prayers.

I was once very very bored waiting for my friends at a movie theatre in college. So I saw a building and began praying for the people in it. I was asking god to send an army of angels to protect and guide the souls there. It also strangely came to my mind to ask that anyone who jumps from the building or thinks to jump from this building survives or does not jump. The building has about 14+ stories.

Several years later I went to the same movie theatre with a friend of mine. He works in that area as a real estate broker and recently made a big sale there. He pointed to the same building and told me that a few months back a very obese woman had jumped from the top floor in a suicide attempt. Apparently she landed on a van right in the middle of it and crushed it. She was perfectly fine.

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By OHLisa
Wow, that was interesting! I'm glad she was ok. You never know how much prayers can help! :D