Let us know when you prayed and give us your reflections.

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Many times in my early childhood the Lord entered my life and told me about His purpose for me. He showed me many things that would happen around the time He would use me. Books I would read, things that would happen, what I would do. He showed me actual events of my life in the future.

I would have another conversion experience when I was 14, the Lord assured me of my vocation but said it wasn't time for it yet. I ended up falling away again as I was too shy to share the Lord with others and was again absorbed into the world. When I was 19 the Lord gave me a prophetic dream that was more real than life itself. Once again He showed me many events that would happen after my last conversion and events leading up to the time in which He would use me. He even showed me what I now consider to be an abstract vision of heaven. Heaven is really awesome! Weird thing was I had this dream when I was most fallen away from the Lord (into drugs & alcohol). The Lord said He gave me this dream while I was fallen away to show me how wide the gap is from being fallen away and being in a state of grace. As the Lord showed me in early childhood as well as in the prophetic dream, it was due to Our Blessed Mother's intercession & by me praying the rosary so much in the future, that brought these graces to me before my conversion.

The Lord has showed me His reason for creating the world, how eternity relates to created time, blueprints of creation. I kept wondering why the Lord was showing a nobody like me all these things. He would always say it has nothing to do with me but with what I am doing in the world, my plan. He said there were others like me that had similar callings as I did and were all about my age which He was going to use in His plan for salvation.

4 years ago I had my last conversion and it is by the grace of God alone as well as the intercession of our Blessed Mother that I have been ABLE to live in a state of grace. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be. The world does not have a concept of salvation nor could any words ever describe the truth of what salvation actually is. Many people think they are there and are not. Some are only part way there and think they are there. I don't think any of us are all the way there yet but the Lord has placed many of us in a position where He could bring us there after some changes happen in the world.

It has been very hard for me to try to evangelize as well as show God's Love for others with the convictions God has given me. God's Love is what is best for us, what points to our salvation and that can only come from God. The more I try to love others with God's love in truth, the more I find people don't want it, and choose the path to destruction instead. It breaks my heart every time I see this knowing how much the Lord loves them and to see them plainly reject salvation as if it means nothing to them. It seems to me a lot of us have confused self love with God's love and love of the world with divine love. The whole world is maligned so as to point our hearts towards self, all the while deceiving us into thinking we are doing a good work for the Lord.I can't imagine how much influence the devil has in the world and just how unimaginably merciful our Lord is to allow our existence in such a state. Most people are not aware of just how far we have fallen away from God. What is visible is just the tip of the iceberg, the real fallen away is hidden.

My point in typing all of this is this, it is my cross to bear. I haven't told many people about this yet, but the Lord will tell us all in some way if we recognize the signs. The Lord has told me since early childhood, throughout my life, when I am in deep prayer, in the world around me, through other people of the faith, through signs & wonders, dreams, you name it, in so many ways that God created me for the sole purpose of using me in the Last Days. It has something to do with the intercession of Our Blessed Mother that God was able to raise up a people that would proclaim God's word in the end times. God has given me so much conviction on this it is impossible for me to deny the truth. This is God's work not mine. I have no other purpose than this. God does not make mistakes. If you don't understand pray, and ask the Lord and He WILL tell you in one way or another, as He wants people to know about this, just most people's hearts aren't open to it. He has given us many signs, most go unnoticed or are misinterpreted. I don't know the date or when this will happen, I only can testify to God's purpose for my life and to where He is leading me in the present moment, that's it. I want so much to share God's love with others, but it is hard with this cross He has given me, knowing His overall plan and how He is actually going to bring conversion to many. I have to go along with God's plan. I am not God, I can't choose how to bring Christ to others after what He's shown me, It has to come from God. We can very seriously mislead someone without realizing it with out direction from God. I beg you all to PRAY first before you evangelize. Let God lead you into whatever path He has chosen for you. If you haven't heard God's voice plainly or convincingly in your life before listen for Him now as He wants to use everyone in His plan for salvation. Everyone of us is vitally important in His plan for salvation no matter how small or insignificant our role may be. It may not be what you think it is. Please open your hearts to God's master plan. He can save so many more souls this way if we only listen and believe.

Have Faith.
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By V madone
Alleluia!I hope GOD will give me some signs in my life. Having lots of problems in my life make me losing half of my faith.Hope to regain it asap.