Our Lady asks us to fast, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Moderators: Andy08, mamamary

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By Andy08
On wednesdays i try to fast on bread and water. On thursdays I am often up by 5AM, and not because I have anywhere to go. I usually roll over in bed see the time and realize a new day has dawned and i can break my fast. I don't run for food but make coffee. I am not tired; I am very peaceful at this time. Ironically, I'm not hungry either. I make my coffee and pray. My home is very quiet at this time. This has become a meeting timefor me with Our Lady and Our Lord. It is so very precious to me and this has become just as important to me as the fasting--the breaking of the fast. It's as if Our Lady wakes me gently and says time to get up and spend time with me. So I do. This has become such precious time for me and this thursday morning is the only morning i get up so early and without any hint of fatigue.

I'm curious how others break their fast and what they experience. The breaking of the fast seems to be just as important as the fast itself. There is no doubt that fasting has brought me closer and closer to Our Holy Mother and to Christ. Especially Thursday mornings.

God's Peace,

By June1
Oy... you've made me a bit jealous. :P

I've been having SO MUCH trouble both with fasting and getting up at 3:00 A.M. on Thursdays to go to Adoration. I just can't seem to do either lately. Congratulations on your beautiful weekly meeting with Our Lady! Please pray for me, too, please!
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By athenacp
Oh you just gave me a great idea! I get up between 3:30 & 4am, put the coffee on to brew and then go take a nap on the couch till my hubby comes down at 4:30 to wake me up again to make breakfast then I shower and go to work. I don;t get home till 11 at night and don't get to bed till 11:30, 12, 12:30 and have been using that time to get a little sleep. Maybe if I spend it with Our Lady I won't need the extra sleep!

Thank you!
Oh Athena! :shock:

I would be investing in a programmable coffee maker and sleeping
until the last possible moment. With your long commutes, I'm sure
you have lots of time to pray. ((((((((hugs))))))))
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By Andy08

Why are you expected to get up at 3AM for adoration? I don't think I'd be successful at that either.

My process evolved over months even years I guess until it has reached a comfortable equilibrium. I never set an alarm to get up a 5 to pray; the thought never crossed my mind. It just happened. It fits into my life and it's great for me but perhaps not for anyone else. I had no preconceived plan. Our Holy Mother invited me, clearly, but I was initially drawn to get up because I just wanted some coffee not prayer. Rather strange how these things happen.

One thing I know is that prayer and fasting together are very powerful activites that bring enormous graces and much peace and calm in a world filled with calamity. In the words of Ivan, "It's a process, conversion is a life long process." To this I would agree. It is the richest and most rewarding journey of all and I feel blessed to be on this journey with people like you and everyone else on this forum.

Be kind to yourself. I don't think God keeps score in our efforts to move toward Him whether fasting or prayer or confession or whatever. I think He just wants us to think of Him either in success of fasting or failure of a particular fast either way He is on our mind on those days and that is a good thing. I believe He appreciates all of our efforts. If you are getting up at 3AM to worship Him even once in awhile then wow, that is a great sacrifice. Don't be jealous of me, I'm a much better sinner than anything else.

Good luck and God Bless.

By June1
Aww, thank you. The reason I chose 3:00 A.M. for Adoration is because I FINALLY found a church that has Perpetual Adoration and I thought I could squeeze in an hour before work once a week. The weekends are really difficult. Well, it's a lot harder than I thought.

I guess I'm putting pressure on myself to do more and do better because it seems Our Lady's messages have a bit more urgency to them, like yesterday's. Also, like many others, I feel like things may start to happen soon and I would like to be spiritually prepared to handle the secrets and anything else that comes our way. I just feel like I fail no matter what, and Our Lady's last message really got to me.
By bigsky99
Good morning to the "Coffee with Our Lady;"

It is so easy for me to Fast. I wonder if my fasting is what Our Lady wants from me. Fast daily from about 10 Pm until the 7:00 AM Rosary(s) and the 8:15 Mass the following morning, if no Mass that day I attend Church at the usual time to Pray the Rosary(s) and visit with Our Lady and Her Son, Jesus. Sundays from about 10 PM until 8:00 AM Rosary(s) and the 9:00 Mass the following morning.

With Lent coming soon I will and have started to give up some of my favorites daily. Still wonder because it is so easy for me to fast do I get obtain the graces the same as those who must work harder to Fast.

Our Lady asks for Fasts on Wednesday and Fridays . I can give up specials for those days.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Pray Pray Pray to Our Lady, Much Love to all of you.

Dear Bigsky99,

So r u saying that you fast when u r asleep 10pm-7am? I guess we can all say we fast when we sleep whether in the daylight or night time. Why dont u try and fast from meat or sweets of coffee, soda on those days.

Love in Christ