Share your favorite prayers and your most cherished means of connecting with God, including prayers that you wrote.

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By athenacp
23rd Day - Comforter of the Afflicted

Filled with grace, Mary is able to comfort all who are afflicted.

Mary is the Comforter of the Afflicted. She greatly suffered in her life; she understands our sufferings and sorrows. She knew great agony of heart, more than we will ever endure.

She knows how to comfort us. There is room in her heart for all of us, even those who feel the most forsaken. We are not abandoned ever by our Mother. She is the hope of the worst sinner. She is Our Lady of Pity, ever pursuing us with great love.

The angel said to Mary, "The Lord is with you." Clothed in sanctity, she is closest to Christ, the nurse of His helpless infancy, the teacher of His youth. Her whole life was dedicated to Him; her whole life was one of untiring mindfulness of others. Her greatness was in always doing God's will. She lived to make Jesus better loved. Should we be indifferent to this?

Mary accepted all the joys and sorrows that came to her in life. She said that all things were from the hand of God. A spiritual writer wrote, "God gave us Mary for support in our weakness and consolation in our sufferings, a help in our dangers and a refuge in our sinfulness." She is, in a word, a mother, our Mother.

Mary suffered without complaint. She obeyed without murmur. She accepted sorrow without bitterness. She bowed to God's will with faith. She was a most patient person, enduring the difficulties of life because her prayers gave her courage.


Holiest of Virgins, I honor you with all my heart, I praise you with all my mind, I thank you with all my soul. Mother and Queen, bless me and guard me. Keep me in your holy arms.

You are my hope. Please bless our country. Break down the walls of hatred and prejudice. Let the world live in peace. Mother of God, we sing your praises, inspire us to love your Son ever more. Amen.
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By athenacp
24th Day - Model of Service to God

Mary said to the Angel, "I am the servant of the Lord."

Mary was highly honored because she was humble. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord," she said. God constantly makes use of the humble. The humble individual is a living sermon for all to see. What inspiration Mary gave to everyone who saw her.

Mary was the first Christ-bearer. The Savior rested beneath her heart. She cheerfully left all to take the long journey to help Elizabeth in her hour of need. Love urged her on. She rejoiced to be able to assist her cousin.

Elizabeth greeted Mary as the Blessed Mother of our Savior, and Mary gave all praise to God.

Mary prayed ceaselessly. In solitude, holy and calm she prayed. Silence is the home of rich spiritual thoughts. A person who prays is a wonderful instrument in the hands of our heavenly Father.

As Mary knelt at the crib, her soul was full of joy. Though the night was cold, her heart was wrapped in warmth. In Bethlehem the people slept in darkness, but in Mary's beautiful soul there was brightness and light. Her heart sang like a melodious harp a canticle of joy. Her soul trembled as she saw the dear smile of her Son. Soon the shepherds came and with childlike faith honored the Babe. Joy upon joy. She felt she was in heaven.


O Mother most loving, full of goodness, I entrust my life to you. If you will not help me, where can I turn? Deliver me from evil. Obtain for me the graces I need this day. Let your mother's care be with me, as it was with the Christ Child in the cave at Bethlehem.

All unworthy, I too am your child, because of the great generosity and goodness of your Son. Do not let me fall. May your humility inspire me to be humble so I will be wise enough to pray and gain the graces I need. May your kindness always be my example. Amen.
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By athenacp
26th Day - Our Sure Guide to Jesus

Mary's whole life was dedicated to Jesus.

Mary's Son was her life's joy and her glory. She endured untold sorrow for His sake. Jesus was everything to Mary. No one loved Him more than she did, no one loved Mary more than Jesus.

Jesus as a child turned to His Mother for help. So must we. We do not need an introduction to her - she is our Mother. You don't have to get an appointment to see your Mother. She is always there to assist you.

One of our most beautiful devotions to Mary is the Rosary. Sir Arnold Lunn wrote, "The Rosary has been the favorite devotion not only of the great saints but also of men of outstanding intellectual attainment. It is the prayer of simplicity and the prayer of meditation. It is for the humble and simple of heart; it is for those of gifted mind who reflect on the holy mysteries."

Frank Sheed said, "If anyone's prayers have power with God, Our Lady's have; she is the Mother of all, and so most ready to come to our aid."

The Son of God was made man and was born of Mary. He was her faithful Son. We ask that we may be her faithful children. We know that if we remain loyal to her, she will always take care of us. She is Our Lady of Last Assurance. With her we are rich indeed. With her at our side, we are safe.


When we honor you, dear Mary, we honor your Son even more. All praise for you, you give to Him. A saint said, "The grace that fills her is but the overflowing and superfluities of His incomprehensible sanctity." You, Mother, would be the first to tell us this. To praise Mary is to praise Jesus. No one knows that better than you, O Blessed Mother.

You, Mother, told St. Brigid that the devils fly even from sinners if we pronounce your holy Name with devotion. Help us to do this often. Amen.
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By athenacp
25th Day - Chosen Daughter of the Father

Mary was chosen by God from all eternity.

Mary carried the Savior within her. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, fed Him at her breast, folded Him in her arms. She brought Him forth at the beginning and took care of Him and loved Him dearly, and at the end she was at His side and shared in His martyrdom. Her heart was pierced like His. How can He refuse her anything?

We live in an age that thinks it is sophisticated, so very smart - and it is headed into the swamp. People today are skeptical and cynical. They mock sanctity, consider religion a matter of taste, look on marriage as a temporary convenience.

The blessed Mother does not fit into our society, insane with sex, drugs, pleasure, and self-centered pride. But those with common sense love her, love her values, which are the values of her Son, and admire this woman of silence who so loved God that she would do anything for Him.

Mary is known for her faithfulness, but we live in a disloyal world. She was unselfish, while so many around today think only of themselves. She was a woman of courage; we see so many who are cowardly, living pampered lives. We love the goodness of Mary, her concern for Jesus, and her concern for others. We admire her and feel greatly blessed to have her for our Blessed Mother.


You are all pure, O Mary, and there is no stain in you. Blessed be God for giving you this priceless gift. We implore you, Mother, for a greater faith, for hope to keep our eyes on heaven. We ask you for more love so that we can be more like your Son.

Heavenly Father, You chose the Blessed Mother to be the Mother of Your Son. Through her prayers, grant us the grace to attain the glory of heaven.

St. Antoninus said that there is no one among the saints "whose heart is like the heart of the Blessed Mother." Blessed be Mary for her great love. Amen.
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By athenacp
27th Day - Rich in Spiritual Gifts

Mary shared her spiritual gifts with Elizabeth by visiting her cousin.

Most Holy Queen, I dedicate myself to you. Help me to show the love of your beloved Son in my life, for there is nothing you want more.

In our Mother, Mary, we have a fountain of love. She is rich in spiritual gifts. She was filled with love. She wishes to give great graces to her children who are devoted to her.

We pray to Mary to help us at all times, but especially at the last hour when we are about to leave this world behind. We approach her with confidence. St. Antoninus said that Mary is the throne from which God dispenses many graces. We look to her then so that we may love her Son, Jesus, more dearly. We ask that we may love Him a little more the way she does.

St. Bernard said, "In danger, anguish, or doubt, think of Mary and call upon her."

Blessed Julian of Norwich said, "God, in Your goodness give me Yourself and it is enough for me. For if I ask anything less, it is not enough. Only in You do I have all." This thought Mary showed by her whole life. She was ever praising God and helping others.

As the old hymn tells us, "Had I but Mary's sinless heart to love Thee with, my dearest King, oh, with what bursts of fervent praise, Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing."


Dear Mother, full of compassion and kindness, as you welcomed all who came to your little cottage at Nazareth with an open heart, do not forget me; or better, do not let me forget you, for I know that you always await me and welcome my visits. I am but a small child, fearful and weak. Help me, Mother.

You are my advocate. You wish to bless me and give me many graces, but my hands are so small and my heart is tiny. Thank you for your countless gifts already. Help me to be better, Mother. Amen.
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By athenacp
28th Day - Mary Our Hope

We place all our hope in Mary because she is wholly blessed by God.

We ask our Blessed Mother, our hope, to make us belong wholly to Jesus. She has a great love for souls. Saving souls is her first concern. Bringing people to love her Son is her delight.

In her lamp the oil of healing mercy always flows. She stands with open arms so that all will have recourse to her. As St. Bernard reminds us, it has never been heard of that she abandons anyone. Indeed it is unthinkable. She is always our merciful Mother.

All the saints loved Mary and hoped in her. She who is the hope of the saints is our hope also. St. Bernard said, "Let him who despairs hope in her."

Our Mother invites all to come to her. She in all things is like her Son, Jesus, full of mercy and concern, ready ever to comfort us in our sorrow. St. Bernardine said, "She desires more to do us good and to impart graces to us than we desire to receive them." St. Augustine said, "O foolish ones of the world, where are you going to satisfy your hearts? Come to Jesus." Mary tells us the same.

Cardinal Newman wrote, "To have a virgin soul is to love nothing on earth in comparison to God. That soul is virginal which is ever looking for its Beloved, who is in heaven, and which sees Him in whatever is loving and beautiful upon earth."


O Mary, I love you with my whole heart. Henceforth, with your blessings, I will strive to please you more. Please grant me, most of all, final perseverance. Help me and all poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. United to your loving heart, I praise God. Grant this through your Son, the source of every good.

We pray, "Leave me not at any time, dear Mary, but especially leave me not at the end, until you see me safe in heaven, blessing God and singing His mercies for all eternity." So I hope. So may it be. Amen.
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By athenacp
29th Day - Model of Faithfulness

Although her heart was pierced with sorrow, Mary remained faithful to God's plan for her.

There are so many beautiful titles for Mary in her litany. We call her Mother of Good Counsel. We pray to her for guidance. In this life we are often like little lost children.

We address our Mother as Virgin Most Merciful. We need so very much, not only light to see our way, but her blessings. We ask our dear Mother to take us by the hand.

She is Virgin Most Faithful. Mary was loyal and true to Jesus to the end. All the brave Apostles, with all their bragging about how they would defend Christ, all "fled into the night" in the garden when He was arrested, when He needed them the most.

John, the youth, at length, felt ashamed and came back. But Mary was ever-faithful. What a wonderful example our Mother is for us. She, the first Christian, will help us to be like her: loyal and faithful to the end. That is what it means to be a Christ-follower.

Mary is called the Seat of Wisdom. How very much we need wisdom in these foolish times. So many just follow the crowd. So many Christians are unthinking and do whatever is popular. We beg our Mother for wisdom to be wise in a world where so very often common sense is lacking.


Dear Mother, you are the wise and loving Mother who enables us to gain eternal life and happiness in God's home for all eternity, where there will be love and goodness, joy and peace.

I pray to you for good health, for forgiveness from your Son, and for strength and consolation in our weakening on our weary way. And since you are my Mother, I know you will help me and be always there when I call. Amen.
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By athenacp
30th Day - Refuge of Sinners

At the foot of the Cross, Mary offered her Son and herself for the salvation of the world.

An old hymn says, "Your birth, O Virgin Mother of God, announced joy to the whole world." You are most beautiful and blessed. You are most gentle and kind, O Mother.

Blessed are those who have recourse to Mary. She can make us saints. St. Alphonsus Liguori says that those who honor her shall persevere to the end, which is the greatest blessing of all. Those who are devoted to her will enjoy everlasting life. St. Peter Damien said, "She can enrich us and dearly desires to do so." She invites all to call upon her. She especially loves sinners and those in need.

St. John Damascene said to Mary, "I have placed all my hope in you." We should say the same. He continued, "Please, obtain for me the forgiveness of my sins and perseverance until death." This is our plea.

The Blessed Mother said to St. Bridget, "However much people sin, if they return to me with a real purpose of amendment, I am instantly ready to welcome them; neither do I pay attention to the greatness of their sins, but the intention alone with which they come. I do not disdain to anoint and heal their wounds, for I am called and truly am, Mother of Mercy." How consoling are these words of our Mother. We look to her and pray to her and beg her to have pity on us.


Accept our love, dear Mother, and gain for us a greater love for Jesus. Blessed Mother, bless our home and family, our relatives and friends, living and dead. Bless those who are sick and those who are dying today. Bless all the souls in purgatory, especially those who were closest to us in this life and those who helped us the most.

Mother, protect my loved ones, protect me. Keep us close to your loving, generous, gracious heart. And we will be safe. Keep us close until the day of our death; help us always to be faithful to your Son so that we can rejoice with you and Him forever in the glorious, heavenly kingdom of God. Amen.